Terms & Conditions


Working with a Certified Equine Nutrition Advisor directly impacts the health and well-being of your horse. I take this responsibility seriously as these animals become an integral part of my thoughts and daily consideration, and I ask that my clients view their animals in the same respectful and dignified way I do.

All clients will be required to agree to the following conditions prior to beginning of a consultation.

Pre-Consultation Agreement

I agree that the health and well-being of the horse is my priority.

I agree that nutritional consultation is not a substitute for proper and timely veterinary care.

I agree to allow my consultant to communicate with my vet if veterinary care is advised and pursued.

I agree to promptly communicate with my consultant any concerns I have regarding the feeding and nutrition of my horse.

In the case that my goals and concerns cannot be achieved in a reasonable time-frame, I understand that pursuing consultation with a PhD Equine Nutritionist may be recommended.

I agree that seeking the advice and following the recommendations of an Equine Nutrition Advisor is a voluntary undertaking and I do so of my own free-will.